Crap, dog still barking. Can't be another 1 can it?
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Possum trapped in vine
Crap, dog still barking. Can't be another 1 can it?
Monday, July 25, 2005
Happy birthday to me :D
d 001
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
Yes, it's happy birthday to me & not many others. I've been told at my (new) age I should be considered to be officially in my late 20s. It's not THAT late. But anyhow, here's a sneak peek @ what I got this yr. I've been promised more to come, so stay tuned :P
Been a pretty full-on weekend. Not that I achieved much per-se, but it feels like I fit (fitted?) a lot in. Got my usual sat morning shopping done (just a handful of things this time). While had whole sat arvo planned rewriting Chapters 1 & 2, had my usual ways of procrastinating & ended up tending pot plants, changing aquarium (1) water, changing aquarium (2) water, walking dog to donate old clothes, & TV. Sunday was worse. Almost did not wake up in time to go to Wendy's to catch a ride with her - W to work at Ikea, me bumming a ride to Olympic Park for Houses of the Future display/exhibtion. Innovative some, but plain unrealistic & impractical others. Much smaller display than I thought also, so only ended up spending less than an hr there. Proceeded to patrol the nearby sales (leather, books, cds, dvds, shoes, manchester, etc) without buying much. DFO was a much better choice, but bloody long walk it was. By the time I caught the train back to Rhodes/Ikea I was beat. Procrastinated more to end up not rewriting anything at all over the weekend. Yet there's still a pile of things from my travelling awaiting filing. Wonder how I spent so much time doing so little...
War wounds
B 94
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
For those who have not been formally introduced, this is my dog Bobby, or B for short. While normally he's considered an immensely cute dog by everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) lately he's been putting a few more things on his face than the usual grass stain make up that he's so used to wearing. First there was the fight with a local possum that happened before I came back from my trip(s). Over the weekend while out walking he acquired more war wounds from a fight with another Dalmatian. Maybe he'll need to be wearing real make-up soon to cover up them wounds. Powder anyone?
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
What a crappy day
Monday, July 18, 2005
Not happy Jen!
Monday, July 11, 2005
How much d'you say!?!?!
Square water-melon - SOGO
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
At least I saved some $$ by NOT buying this!
Hey big spender!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Holy mother of a risotto
Serving of Funghi Porcini Risotto
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
Here's the risotto as wheeled out in a cheese barrel.
Rectangular dinner
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Went thru the new Blacktown Westpoint again today & was again lost in amongst the boarded-up shops under renovation and school holiday kids and mums. Must bring along map next time.
Speaking of getting lost and bringing maps, started writing my travel reviews in this post before deleting it becos I realised that there isn't actually that much that you can say about the American West Coast and the Mountain Zone (or at least the bits that I've been to). I was about to say San Fran was blend and grey, while Denver felt a bit too much like Adelaide to evoke any gd memories/feelings, but those are the things that you've already read in my emails so nothing new. East Coast and Europe are far more interesting for visiting and writing about, so maybe I should start on eastern Canada & NYC on next post...
Learned how to add new emoticons to MSN last nite. Wondering how I ever lived without such knowledge before!
Week in review
Speaking of creative, am LOVING my Creative MuVo TX FX at the moment. Haven't put that many songs/files on it thus far, but am carrying it everywhere I go. Probably should spend less time playing with it & actually finish clearing out the stuff that I hauled back from all over the world and eventually left scattered in & around my room (and various other parts of the house). Would show pic of disaster zone, but still haven't worked out how to go 'round the pic-attaching bug yet, so won't. Maybe I'm just slow. Maybe I'm just a computer wiss instead of a wiz (not that I ever was a wiz). Anywho, I digress.
Was ICQ-ing with Sa when drafting this post & she thought I was recounting my travelling days online (hmm, recounting. Sounds so serious...). Might end up doing that bit by bit, city by city, or country by country. Have not decided what I liked/hated most about the trip, so have no idea where/how to start that string of posts. Might save them for a rainy when I have absolutely nothing else to write about. And in the mean time, I'll continue to moan about my daily bores, and not being able to find out what time slots my shows have been moved to (missed OC 'cos I set the timer wrong, and LOST is not on this wk. At least I watched Desperate Housewives, even though I'm a bit messed up with the plot...)
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Official opening address
2nd, unlike while on my what seemed almost endless travelling, the daily grind of uni, work and TV would probably (edit 'probably', insert 'most likely') not have as many fun things to fill the pages. Yet another reason to leave this wayside for entended periods. But I suppose I can always make things up every now and then to self-amuse. That's number 2. (Ha, number 2 :D)
Have lost train of thought trying to attach the pic of a wombat and again without success. Must learn how to use this thing properly soon.