On brighter notes, it looks like WESTIR is finally moving out of the dumps of Blacktown & down to the metropole of Parramatta. Better still, it's right around the corner from where dad works - it's not even 3 minutes walk from the car park! I can only wonder if I'll ever drive again! Ok, so I will. I'm pretty sure of that. And anyways, the move (if it eventuates this time) is not going to happen until November, so there are still some more months at dear Blacktown.
Was in Audrey craving last nite, so watched My Fair Lady in almost its entirety until midnight (skipped thru most of Alfred P. Doolittle. For some reason unbeknownst to me I just don't like those scenes). Still listening to soundtrack. Maybe I'll switch to Thirsty Merc tomorrow...
Getting sleepy as I count the cost of my latest spendings - 7th pair of shoes for the yr; garden mulcher; CD storage; retro wares from op shops... zzz ... ... ZZZ ... ...