Monday, August 01, 2005

Fishy business

Tropical tank
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.

Tank complete! Ok, so it was after yet another failed attempt of neons & danios before settling on the platys, but the tropical tank is alive again. I really shouldn't be filling the house with all these things seeing that I've taken on quite a few this Session, meaning that I'd have less time for house things. But, simply couldn't help myself. Not a very good picture of the tank, yes, I know. & the fishies are hiding a bit (forgive them, they're new to this point-&-shoot business. They are no game fish after all. Not that those would be alive enough to be tanked). It is of course where the old fish bowl used to be. That spot had been left empty since the goldfish moved into the TV (for those who haven't seen, in person or otherwise, see next blog).

Time for sleep. 1st day of teaching tomorrow arvo.

Hmm, damn good yogurt cake...

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