Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Damn splinters!

Anorexic fish part 2

Damn, what's with the stupid fish!?! Last night I had the unfortunately displeasure of scooping out yet another fish that died from being anorexic. Can't they simply learn some humanity (and humility) and seek help from professional when they've got an illness or something? I mean, it's a large enough tank and large enough school of fish in there that if there's a cleaner and a show-off then I'm sure there'd be a shrink in there somewhere! If all else fails, they should just forget about the unpleasantness and get on with life. After all, they're goldfishes and we all know their short-term memories are, well, exceedingly short, so it shouldn't be hard at all for any of them to forget about unpleasantness. Unless they forget to eat, hmm...

Oh brighter notes, school holidays!! OK, so it doesn't usually apply to me whether it's school holidays or not, but seeing that I don't have teachings during hollies I don't have to take my long drives (and I do mean LONG drives) to uni. Which is just as well seeing that the Visa 8c off petrol @ wollies deal is over. I can save some $$ and time by ystaying at home and pretend to work instead of driving all the way to uni and pretend to do work there. But so far it's been reasonably productive - went shopping on sunday, pretended to do work at 'work' work yesterday, plenty of gardening today. I suppose I should buckle down and do my marking tomorrow and maybe even start on my re-writing which is due in a wk... Oh who am I kidding. The ticker-tape parade is friday so there'll be no work that day either! Yippy!!

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by ragde2507.

SEVENTY-TWO long yrs of waiting and finally, FINALLY, the premiership is ours once more!!! Oh, too nerve wrecking this game was, but it just capped off a brilliant yr so well. Defined how we've scrapped and fought all te yr thru. Even though it's exciting to watch, but I think we should really do away with the last minute sncatching of the lead and just lead from start to finish from now on. Oh, how exciting. Next yr's home game will be so chockers... Oh, no time to worry about next yr when there's the ticker-tape parade somoe time next wk. I bet there'd be a million ppl lining the streets. Gd time to go to a 1st ticker-tape parade. Must watch wallet and don't overspend on merchandise...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Nice earrings!

B 104
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
Laundry day, & while I was getting the first load back from the lines, I decided that I should play a little trick on the dog. Yes, the old 'peck on the ear' trick. Normally he'd try & get them off as soon as I peck them on, but it's been a while since I've tried that trick & since then he's mellowed down quite a fair bit (no, he's not sick. The vet gave him a clean bill of health - & a credit card bill for me to pay - just this past wednesday), so I thought it was worth another try. One peck went on without much struggel, so I decided to do both sides. There were the initial scratch attempts, but that lasted no more than 5 secs before he gave me. They stayed on long enough for me to take tonnes on photo, for him to have a few naps, before finally snapping off a couple of hours later. Ahh, so much fun out of such a little thing. Should find more excitment outside of house...

Speaking of excitment, can't wait to watch the Swans win the Grand Final next saturday! I don't mean to jinx it or anything, but I do think we have a pretty gd advantage over the Eagles at the moment after the close game but only lost because of bad unpiring decisions 2 wks ago. Must have snacks ready for a LONG afternoon on yelling & screaming. I think chips are on the order to contribute to sore throat & laryngitis. :)

Four seats - Sydenham 2
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.

A boring couple of wks. A few things have happened, but nothing too exciting to talk about. Apart from the fact that parents' been away for almost 2 wks now, & that instead of catching a ride to the train & get some shut eyes during those rides, I've had to drive long distances to get to uni. Even though I work on a limited schedule (i.e., don't go unless absolutely have to), they are still rather long drives. It's a lose-lose game I reckon. I either have to get up really REALLY early to beat the morning peak & get a parking spot close enough, or sleep in to avoid the morning peak & get a spopt far, far away. No surprise on what I'd choose (& have chosen thus far, & will probably continue to choose :>) At least I also get to sleep in on my non-uni, non-work days. Not that I don't do any work while at home. Speaking of which, should probably do more reading tonight...

Ok, so let's get onto this stupid photo. I don't really have anything particular to say about it really, except that I took it yesterday in Sydneham while out on fieldtrip with the 1st yr class. It was not a particularly fun or boring day, just early. Ok, I'll move on to the next photo now.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Anorexic fish

It has come to my attention today that unfortunately one of my goldfish is suffering from anorexia. No, it's not a clinical diagnosis as I don't think there are really any vets who treats fish, but more from 'experienced' observations. Afterall, I've kept fish for many a years. And anyways, the fish is so skin-on-bone that anyone can tell it's been without food for extended period (sorry, no fotos. If I have any they wouldn't be very appetising either. Hah, appetising). It's not that I have been neglecting the tv-aquarium while keeping daily watch on the tropical tank, looking at the colours of the fish (and now more frequently and inadvertantly algae on the glass, must clean again), incessantly looking for the newborns (second 'batch' was born last friday, about 3 wks after the 1st. From different mothers of course. Don't know if they survived well 'cos I haven't been able to see the new newborns since. Although, the old newborns went missing for days before finally reappearing, apparently hiding under the pebbles, plastic fake shipwreck, & big giant shell. Oh wait, why am I on fish again? Oh, ok, anorexic. Neglect. Ok.) Well, no, I havne't been neglecting the TV-aquairum in favour of the tropical tank. I've been feeding and cleaning as per normal routine. But for some reason I spent extra minutes just staring at the tank today. Maybe it's because it's due for another clean yet the water's still so clear. But anyways, that is when I noticed the little one looking anorexic. It was feeding day too, so fed as per normal portions. While the others (many of whom have grown to become fatsos in the process) the little one remained uninterested, even if the dried food or blood worms hit it right in the face. Maybe I should put it in solitary confinement for some psychiatric treatment? Will see, will see. But yeah, so now you know. Even fish can be anorexic. Wonder what happens if they become bulimic?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

So comfortable...

PG lounge
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.

I found out this Wednesday that the safas to our PG area arrived. For how long they'd been there I don't know, but it couldn't have been more than a few days seeing that I passed by that spot late last wk & there was nothing there. Nothin'. Anywho, they are soft & quite comfortable. Kylie (BEES PG) said that it's a crime to have them there 'cos no one will be able to get any work done from now on. Must plot to make gd use of them for the party we're supposedly having...