Sunday, September 18, 2005

Nice earrings!

B 104
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
Laundry day, & while I was getting the first load back from the lines, I decided that I should play a little trick on the dog. Yes, the old 'peck on the ear' trick. Normally he'd try & get them off as soon as I peck them on, but it's been a while since I've tried that trick & since then he's mellowed down quite a fair bit (no, he's not sick. The vet gave him a clean bill of health - & a credit card bill for me to pay - just this past wednesday), so I thought it was worth another try. One peck went on without much struggel, so I decided to do both sides. There were the initial scratch attempts, but that lasted no more than 5 secs before he gave me. They stayed on long enough for me to take tonnes on photo, for him to have a few naps, before finally snapping off a couple of hours later. Ahh, so much fun out of such a little thing. Should find more excitment outside of house...

Speaking of excitment, can't wait to watch the Swans win the Grand Final next saturday! I don't mean to jinx it or anything, but I do think we have a pretty gd advantage over the Eagles at the moment after the close game but only lost because of bad unpiring decisions 2 wks ago. Must have snacks ready for a LONG afternoon on yelling & screaming. I think chips are on the order to contribute to sore throat & laryngitis. :)

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