Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
After many tries, have decided to give up on taking pic of Dan's engagement ring. Could never focus on the ring itself. Stupid camera. Anyhow, it was last wk that I actually took this photo, so y bring it up now? I sent this photo around a bit to 'concerned parties' & 1 comment that came back was that the rock doesn't look any bigger than the 1 that yours truly have (on paper/screen). So, just to validate, I've worn mine in today to compare. The woman of mytersy is MIA somewhere in the building/campus, so haven't yet had the chance. Will try & track her down before I head into the city for stuff.
On other totally unrelated news, my tropical tank is expanding quickly. Just before the demise of my tele-quarium (see Aug 1 & Oct 30 posts) my pair of Sunset mollies & the remaining red swordtail both hatched a fair amoount of fries. After some Darwinian competition, the remaining ones have now doubled ini size to almost 1cm. Just earlier on Monday, 1 of sunset mollies hatched yet another batch with the other about to do its 2md batch in the next few days. They've actually been hatching batches quite regularly since I've gotten them home some time in July, but because I've been able to catch them very early on these last couple of times most of the have survived the fate of being cannibalised. Soon I need to invest on a stronger heater so to move all the newbies to the cleaned-out tele-quarium.
Back to my CV now. Oooh, meeting.
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