Kris Kringle
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
The silly season has finally arrived. After a long lunch with the Geog gang at the usual Giovanna's for a final hurrah (I think Dan was bitterly disappointed that Ian didn't retell (again) his nuuude story), we proceeded to the new Drozdzewski-Hills residence at Coogee to 1) perform our Kris Kringle duties; 2) admire the top floor view; 3) more drinking & eating, in no particular order. A good time was had by all, especially when not-so-big Kev gave an unforgettable performance of singing out sex advice, or when TK promptly proclaimed that she can't get a blow (from the flute that she got from Kris Kringle just to clarify). I of course stumpled (ok, walked. Just thought I'd add a bit of dramatics) out of there 8-ish to catach PT back to Pennant Hills for tennis/more party. Absolutely buggered by the time I got home.
Wednesday supposedly was going to be the day that I should've reserved for preparing for my thursday job interview (got the call tuesday just before lunch). Instead slept in late & spent most of the time before escaping the heat moving things & setting up the bug bombs. Had to escape the house while the bombs went off & so shopped at DFO (Country Road 1/2 off!) before spenting the rest of the day re-moving things back to where they belong & summer-cleaning them up at the same time. Did end up spending some of the night putting things together for the interview & re-read my application letter.
Ducked into WESTIR to pick up more samples of work before training into St James for interview (my new leather briefcase came in very handy). I knew that Anne's was before mine, but little did I know that Arvind K (from FBE) was the 1st of the morning at 9! So all 3 interviews were from the FBE in a way! Small world indeed. Nonetheless, both Anne & I agreed that BOCSAR didn't really have an idea of what the full extent of that mapping exercise would involve. I did ok, but Arvind would probably be the 1 getting the call. Afterall, my setting-up-database experience is not the best, though my actually mapping skills would probably compensate quite well. Anyhow, just waiting for more partying tomorrow & NYE before finally putting head back down to writing.
In the mean time, have finished reading Dorian Gray (excellent middle half, but otherwise quite ordinary. Don't know what the rave was all about) & have just started on Importance of Being Ernest. Have reserved my 20th Century Speeches book for the Melbourne/Geelong trip. Looking very much forward to that indeed.
Fish update: have expanded stock with a pair of navy-blue swordtails, a yellow spotted male guppy, & a bristlenose for cleaning. Hoping the new swordtail/guppy breedings will be successful. Must also find a way of sellingthe other swordtail/platy off-springs. Must enquire at local pet stores otherwise will run out of room again.
One finaly seasons greeting to everyone!
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