Last night was also Clement’s buck’s night. It was pretty late organisation, so we wouldn’t really plan something big/wild. It was also Easter long weekend, and for some reasons a lot of the cool restaurants that we called up for reservation (the Belgian & Bavarian Beer Cafés, Jap restaurants… James Squire Brewhouse was open but didn’t take reservation) were closed for the entire weekend. Finally we settled for Sakana-ya in Crows Nest & just played it by ear afterwards. Unfortunately there were only 2 pubs in that little corner of Crows Nest. I started out soft with just 1 beer before dinner while the groom skulled 2 schooners & the best man 2 screwdrivers. Hot sake during dinner was a treat, although it did get tougher to down as it cooled towards the end. Afterwards the task of toppling the groom was left to just Herman & I as Edmund passed on everything but the sake during dinner, & Felix simply doesn’t drink. More unfortunate was the situation where everyone was driving apart from the groom, so the night ended relatively early at around midnight. At least I’ve heard reports that the groom threw up pretty much immediately after I dropped him home, which means that we did a great job grogging him up. Fun night, fun night.
Heads down again to focus on the big (& very long) day that is coming up very soon.
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