Monday, November 26, 2007

Writer's block weekend

I was having a writer's block weekend. I simply could not write anything proper for the whole weekend. My plan was to finish editing this particular section to leave me the rest of the week to finish the chapter (1 section + 1 conclusion) but my stupid head simply didn't allow me to do that (have I used 'simply' too many times already?). I had grand plans for this writing so much so that I had my first coffee (strong, 3 scoops of coffee beans opposed to the normal 2) in weeks on Sunday morning. All that did, alas, was to send me in a caffeine-induced spin, leaving me to do everything but write for the rest of the day. I moved the pots that we moved for the roof guys to clean back to original place (plus some re-arranging) after the roof guys have been gone a week or so. I planted out some stuff, fiddled around the dog, tidied up my room. I even went so far as doing some experimental planting. Here's what I did.

Once upon a time (meaning about 3-4 years ago) I went to Ikea & bought a pod seat. I sat on it a little too hard 1 time & it cracked. Ever since it's been pushed aside to upstairs & not get sat on much. I thought, rather than just chucking it into recycling, I would use it to grow stuff! It just so happens that I had some sweet potatoes around that were just starting to have green shoots, so 1 + 1 I used it to grow sweet potatoes! It's all experimental of course seeing that I've never been successful with growing sweet potatoes (I think they always got too went), but here it is anyway, pics that show I did at least try... (1) (2) (3) (4)

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