Monday, November 19, 2007

Birthing babies once again

As some of you would know, I kept a tank for livebearers for a couple of yrs. Well, until a few months ago anyway. Livebearers are notoriously easy to breed. All you have to do is make sure that there's at least a male & a female of the same species (better to have more than 1 female) and whuala Bob's your uncle. Sometimes it doesn't even take 2 of the same species as I've had success with crossing swordtails & platies. Anyways, that's all in the past now. When I tried to accommodate some siamese fighting fish I started another tropical rank, this time just the fighting fish (now deceased. must be all spun out from the behavioural experiment they were put under) & neon tetras. When I ordered some stuff for my outside pond I ordered a bag of ramshorn snails & I chucked a couple of them in the tropical tank just for cleaning etc. Who knew that they were actually a male/female pair (or are they unisexed?) & now they've birthed several times! There are tiny snails all over the tank. They're of different sizes too so I can only guess they were born at different times. Might need to move them/give them again if they keep doing that! Will try & make good pics later. They're so small there's no way of getting a gd pic right now.

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