Monday, July 25, 2005

Happy birthday to me :D

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Originally uploaded by ragde2507.

Yes, it's happy birthday to me & not many others. I've been told at my (new) age I should be considered to be officially in my late 20s. It's not THAT late. But anyhow, here's a sneak peek @ what I got this yr. I've been promised more to come, so stay tuned :P

Been a pretty full-on weekend. Not that I achieved much per-se, but it feels like I fit (fitted?) a lot in. Got my usual sat morning shopping done (just a handful of things this time). While had whole sat arvo planned rewriting Chapters 1 & 2, had my usual ways of procrastinating & ended up tending pot plants, changing aquarium (1) water, changing aquarium (2) water, walking dog to donate old clothes, & TV. Sunday was worse. Almost did not wake up in time to go to Wendy's to catch a ride with her - W to work at Ikea, me bumming a ride to Olympic Park for Houses of the Future display/exhibtion. Innovative some, but plain unrealistic & impractical others. Much smaller display than I thought also, so only ended up spending less than an hr there. Proceeded to patrol the nearby sales (leather, books, cds, dvds, shoes, manchester, etc) without buying much. DFO was a much better choice, but bloody long walk it was. By the time I caught the train back to Rhodes/Ikea I was beat. Procrastinated more to end up not rewriting anything at all over the weekend. Yet there's still a pile of things from my travelling awaiting filing. Wonder how I spent so much time doing so little...

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