Saturday, July 09, 2005

Rectangular dinner

Rectangular dinner
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
Ok ok, so the dinner itself wasn't actually rectangular, but seeing that we were sitting in a rectangular format (like most of the times) I couldn't actually call it a round-table dinner now could I? Anyhows, Anne kindly organised her own going-away dinner party to celebrate 1: her own going-away; 2: my coming back; and 3: Shahbakhti's submission. A lovely time was had by all of course, as per usual. The Funghi Porcini Risotto was wheeled out in a mother of a cheese barrel (see next blog). No wonder it was called the gratest cheese risotto there is!! Have a great time in Jap, Anne, a great time in Poland & around for Will, & a warm welcome and great time in Bangkok & Jap for Marianne. Cheers everyone!

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