Sunday, September 18, 2005

Four seats - Sydenham 2
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.

A boring couple of wks. A few things have happened, but nothing too exciting to talk about. Apart from the fact that parents' been away for almost 2 wks now, & that instead of catching a ride to the train & get some shut eyes during those rides, I've had to drive long distances to get to uni. Even though I work on a limited schedule (i.e., don't go unless absolutely have to), they are still rather long drives. It's a lose-lose game I reckon. I either have to get up really REALLY early to beat the morning peak & get a parking spot close enough, or sleep in to avoid the morning peak & get a spopt far, far away. No surprise on what I'd choose (& have chosen thus far, & will probably continue to choose :>) At least I also get to sleep in on my non-uni, non-work days. Not that I don't do any work while at home. Speaking of which, should probably do more reading tonight...

Ok, so let's get onto this stupid photo. I don't really have anything particular to say about it really, except that I took it yesterday in Sydneham while out on fieldtrip with the 1st yr class. It was not a particularly fun or boring day, just early. Ok, I'll move on to the next photo now.

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