Lately, for reasons unknown to most of you, I have been taking advantage of the post-xmas sale here in the land of Aus. Ok, Ok, so I have bought plenty already while I was on my recent trip to East Asia. Too much, in fact, that I am having difficulty finding storage for some of my newest conquests. While still feeling unmotivated about working/studying (although I finally re-started my studies again earlier this week) I have yet to go around to spring cleaning out my closet. The short sleeve sections are getting chockers, the winter wooly section is getting chockers, my pants sections are getting chockers … The list does on. But I digress. Back to post-xmas shopping. My latest addition this week can be found in either the gadget or health category. It is none other than the scale. Not just any scale, ‘cos otherwise why would/could it be considered a gadget. It is a DIGITAL scale. And no, that’s not what makes it gadgetry either. It’s the fact that it has the memory capacity of storage the basic info (height, age) of up to 5 people (FIVE!!!), and with a simple switch, measures your body fat % also. That’s me, 13%. Needless to say I’m on the ‘thin’ side of the scale (it has 4 categories – thin, normal, stout, & obese), but only borderline. For a person under 30 years of age (which fortunately I still am) the ‘normal’ body fat % is between 14 & 20. Shall measure regularly, but given how I eat & what I eat I doubt that number would fluctuate much.

Still looking all over for 阿信的故事 DVD boxset. It looks like A$400 for the Taiwanese version. OK, so there are nearly 480 episodes in the 7 boxsets that make up the entire series, but still it's a little much. Must keep looking.
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