Wednesday, November 02, 2005

$29 of Diva fever

Melb Cup
Originally uploaded by ragde2507.
Ok, so this is actually my other ticket which of course didn't win. I mean, otherwise, why would I still have it? Wasn't going to blog the Melbourne Cup until I've cashed in the Diva ticket. Pretty gd returns I'd say, 5 place 5 win & got 29 back. Discounting the 5 & 5 I had on Vinnie Roe (what was I thinking betting on the Irish?) it's still a clear $9 profit. Good fun, good fun. Anyhow, so Makybe Diva is now retired. Now she can settle down for a quiet life. Pretty good going for an old girl with 3 Melbourne Cups on the trot (ha, trot). Magical! Anywho, too busy running around uni to actually participate in any, umm, 'festivities'. Am having a delayed drink tonite instead.

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